
Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI Designer

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Interview with Mona Patel

#Podcasts #Inspiration #UX

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

The Crazy One: ‘Building your personal brand'

#Podcast #CareerAdvice #Design #AdobeMAX

A replay of my sold out session from Adobe MAX 2017 that asked can you tell people why you are different and better than every other creative out there? This session will highlight the power, importance, and difficulties of creating your own personal brand, see why building your brand is critical for finding the perfect new job, standing out in your current job, or getting respect in the industry. Listen to over 65,000+ radio shows, podcasts and live radio stations for free on your iPhone, iPad, Android and PC. Discover the best of news, entertainment, comedy, sports and talk radio on demand with Stitcher Radio.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

TED Radio Hour: The Power of Design

#Design #Talks

This episode, TED speakers on the essence of good design in buildings, brands, the digital realm and the natural world. Guests include computer engineer Tony Fadell, architect Marc Kushner, Airbnb co-founder Joe Gebbia, design critic Alice Rawsthorn, and science writer Janine Benyus. (Original broadcast date: May 20, 2016). Listen to over 65,000+ radio shows, podcasts and live radio stations for free on your iPhone, iPad, Android and PC. Discover the best of news, entertainment, comedy, sports and talk radio on demand with Stitcher Radio.

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Francesco Bertocci

Sr. Product/UX/UI...

Michael Margolis, UX Research Partner at GV | Listen via Stitcher

#GV #uxresearch #researchsprints

As perhaps the only UX researcher on staff at a VC fund, Michael Margolis is parachuting into startups year-round to help them better understand their users. In this chat with Intercom Director of Research Sian Townsend, Michael walks us through his "start at the end" research framework, the ways in which he quickly develops rapport with new product teams, how to conduct research faster, and much more. Listen to over 65,000+ radio shows, podcasts and live radio stations for free on your iPhone, iPad, Android and PC. Discover the best of news, entertainment, comedy, sports and talk radio on demand with Stitcher Radio.

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